JavaScript Chart Programming Features Details
Navigate the complete history of feature listings for JSCharting. For existing customers, don’t miss the new What’s New section!
Programming Features
- Functional Programming API
- Set chart options with config object during instantiation or at any time after
- Chart will attempt to animate changes when they are applied
- Code Expansion - Alias property names without defining a JSON hierarchy to apply settings quickly
- Default object settings - To speed up development by applying settings to all similar objects simultaneously
- Chart Templates - Define templates for the entire organization to ensure all charts look similar or use similar settings
- JSC.pointsFromArray() - New method for populating data (pointsFromArray) for more compact data transport
- JSC.getPalette() - New method to easily access palette colors.
- Enumeration chaining API - Apply multiple settings with a single property setting
- Utility Functions
- JSC.merge()
- JSC.sum(), mean(), min(), and max() Utility Functions
- JSC.fontsReady() - when using web fonts with charts
- JSC.ready() - waits until page is loaded
- JSC.defaults() to apply default settings for all subsequent chart instances
- JSC.sortBy() to help sorting data
- Chart Debug Notification Icon
- Chart Mentoring, Tips and Suggestions