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Chart Types

Describes supported chart types and how to use them.

OverviewAn overview of the chart type system and how they are specified.
Series & Point ColorsUsing colors with series and data points.
Series & Point AnimationDescribes animating data points in real-time to provide context for data that is changing.
Organizational and Gantt Hierarchy StylingOrganizational chart and Gantt chart hierarchy and dependency customization.
Error BarDescribes error bar functionality and features.
CalendarCalendar heatmap type.
Circular GaugeGauge type specific features.
Data GridJavaScript data grid that consumes JSON data and can handle large data sets. Seamlessly integrated with JSCharting, for many usage cases, there is no need for a separate JavaScript grid library.
GanttThe JavaScript Gantt chart generates beautiful SVG visualizations in all major browsers through a simple API. This Gantt chart library is included along with 150+ standard chart types standard simplifying usage for end users and developers alike.
HeatmapUsing the heatmap chart type.
Line Spline StepDescribes line series type usage and features.
MapJSMapping features and usage.
MicroChartsAn indepth look at microchart features and usage.
Mosaic PlotVariwide chart features.
PiePie type specific features.
RadarRadar type specific features.
Widgets ModuleWidgets module with simplified API and optimized clean visualizations..